How to Configure and Install WordPress With MySQL Database Using AWS RDS
Steps to follow:
- Create an AWS EC2 instance
- Configure the instance with Apache Webserver.
- Download php application name “WordPress”.
- As WordPress stores data at the backend in MySQL Database server. Therefore, you need to setup a MySQL server using AWS RDS service using Free Tier.
- Provide the endpoint/connection string to the WordPress application to make it work.
Let us start to learn what is *WordPress*
WordPress is a free and open-source content management system written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes.
What is Amazon RDS?
Amazon Relational Database Service is a distributed relational database service by Amazon Web Services. It is a web service running “in the cloud” designed to simplify the setup, operation, and scaling of a relational database for use in applications
Let’s start with the practical
Launch an Ec2 instance in AWS
In my case, I launch an AMI instance in Mumbai region named as wptask.

Install MySQL,PHP and httpd

Start the services

Install and configure Wordpress inside EC2.
Use the AWS doc to Configure Wordpress

STEP-5: Create the database

Select the Free tier option

Copy the Wordpress inside /var/www/html/

Inside the vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf , Change AllowOverride None to All

Go and check the connectivity with Databases

Write create database wordpress;

Go inside the wordpress

Inside this particular file, write the database name,user,password

Restart the services to save the changes

Go and check if the Wordpress is started

Now start filling the necessary credential asked

Now you are ready to start blogging

Check the databases as follows:

Check the tables of databases by using show tables

Finally, we have done with our Agenda…..
I hope it will help you.
-Divya Jain